Guest article by Master Recycler, Chieko Yoshihara (Class 88) on what she learned in the class (in both English and Japanese).
(Leer artículo en español y japonés).
第一回マスターリサイクラープログラムおさらい「埋め立てゴミ」 Master Recycler Program Review #1 “Landfill”
さて質問です。私たち(オレゴン人)のゴミはどこに行っているのでしょうか? 答えは下に。読むと他にも色々な発見があるかも
Now, here’s a question. Where is our (Oregonians) trash going? The answer is below. You may discover many other things as you read
The end of the universe
A poor foreign country
Somewhere in Oregon
With Master Recycler Program, why start with landfill? Some people may think so (honestly, that’s what I thought). But it was the first thing in the class to learn about, and Oregon’s landfill is relatively new and also captures methane gas (see below). It is an important player in material management.
I was thinking of getting straight to the topic, but in this age of information overload, I think I need to talk about the important things first. If the conclusion is written at the end, there is a high possibility that it will not be read.
なぜ資源管理(マテリアルマネジメント)をするのか?それはゴミに埋もれたくないからだけではありません。環境汚染と気候変動を最小限にし、これから先も人類が地球上で安全に暮らしていける環境を作るためです。ただし、リサイクルは循環型社会において重要な位置を占めますが、それが正答なのではありません。環境汚染と気候変動を食い止めるには「大量生産、大量消費」をやめなければなりません。1カートの埋め立てゴミを作るのに70カート分の資源とエネルギーが使われていると言われています(The Story of Stuff参照、ビデオのリンクはここ)。つまり埋め立てごみを1カート出している時には、実に71カート出しているんですよ(71カートをガラガラガラと家の前に出している自分を想像してみてください)。リサイクルでも回収されるのは最後の1カート分だけで、商品を作るのに使われた残りの70カート分は使われるだけ使われて回収されないのです(リサイクルのカートを一つと70カートの埋め立てごみを家の前に出しているのを想像してみてください)。だから、正しい答えはこれ↓。
私たちの子孫がこれからもこの地球上で安全に暮らしていくためには、消費を最小限にした上、リユーズ、リパーパス、リサイクルなどの資源管理をすることで循環型社会を作らないといけないのです。まず「Reduce, Reduce, Reduce!」です。
Why do we do material management? It’s not just because we don’t want to be surrounded by garbage. This is to minimize environmental pollution and climate change to create an environment where humans can continue to live safely on Earth. Although recycling plays an important role in a circular society, it is not the correct answer. In order to stop environmental pollution and climate change, we must stop “mass production and mass consumption”. It says that it takes 70 carts of resources and energy to make one cart of landfill waste (According to The Story of Stuff, video link here). In other words, every time we take out one cart of landfill waste, we in fact take out 71 carts (Imagine yourself taking out 71 rattling carts in front of your house). Even with recycling, only the last cart is recycled, and the remaining 70 carts used to make the products are wasted and not recycled (Imagine yourself taking out one recycling cart and 70 landfill carts in front of your house). So, this is the correct answer↓.
In order for our descendants to continue to live safely on this earth, we must create a circular society by, first minimizing consumption and, then managing resources through reuse, repurposing, and recycling. That is “Reduce, Reduce, Reduce!” first.
Referenced and re-arranged from the slide for Master Recycle Program by Metro
This is the ideal form of material management that you often see. When we send waste to a landfill, it stays there almost forever, so we really want to minimize it. However, having trash scattered everywhere is not good for hygiene or aesthetics. Therefore, garbage disposal is an essential service for society.
In Japan, garbage is generally incinerated, but here in Oregon, most of it is landfilled. There is only one incinerator located near Salem in Marion County. All of Marion County’s garbage and a small portion of the garbage in the Portland Metro area is burned there and converted into energy. However, the incinerator costs a lot to construct and operating costs are also huge. There is also the issue of ash and air pollution. In the first place, it is strange to produce energy by burning products that used large amounts of energy and resources to make and emitting gas that destroys the environment. That’s why nearly all landfill waste in the greater Portland area is sent to the Columbia Ridge Landfill in Arlington.
家の前に出されたごみは、ごみ収集会社によって回収されます。うちの近所はWaste Managementという会社が回収に来ます。回収された埋め立てごみはポートランドに二箇所あるメトロの転送施設に運ばれます。マスターリサイクラーのプログラムでそのうちの一つ、メトロ中央転送施設に見学に行きました。社会科見学です♪
Garbage placed in front of your house will be collected by a garbage collection company. My neighborhood is serviced by a company called Waste Management. Collected landfill waste is then transported to Metro’s two transfer stations in Portland Metro Area. As part of the Master Recycling program, I visited one of the facilities, the Metro Central Transfer Station. Field Trip♪
After collecting recyclable and reusable materials from the trash brought in, they are crammed into trailers.
Ready to Go to Arlington!
Clipped from the Slide for Master Recycler Program by Metro
It will then be transported 140 miles to Arlington in north-central Oregon. 67 trailers are brought in from Portland every day.
A: Portland B: Arlington
Clipped from the Slide for Master Recycler Program by Metro
さて、このアーリントンの埋め立て処理場もWaste Managementによって管理されています(リンクはここ)。ここにごみを捨てに来ているのはポートランドだけではありません。セーラムの近くの焼却場の燃え残りもここへ運ばれていますし、はるかシアトルからもごみが運ばれて来ます。シアトルからはトレーラーではなく列車で運ばれて来ています。ポートランドからも列車にした方が良いように感じられますが、ポートランドからはトレーラーで運んだ方が環境への負荷が少ないそうです。
Well, this Arlington landfill is also managed by Waste Management (link here). It’s not just Portland which goes there to dump its garbage. Incinerator ash from Salem is also brought there, and garbage is brought in from as far away as Seattle. From Seattle, freight train rather than a trailer brings garbage there. It seems like it would be better to use the freight train from Portland, too, but they say that transporting by trailer from Portland has less of an impact on the environment.
The Arlington Landfill is a relatively new facility, opened in 1990. The precipitation is only 9 inches (228 mm) per year and the groundwater is 200 feet (60 m) deep, so the risk is very low for leachate leaking and contaminating the groundwater. Also, they say that the groundwater is constantly monitored to make sure it is not contaminated. The liners are made of 60 mm (2.5 inches) high-density polyethylene. According to them, the facility is good for another 120 years.
埋め立てゴミの問題の一つはメタンガスの発生です。埋め立てゴミに入っている有機物(植物、食料品、紙類)などが腐敗する段階でメタンガスが発生します。このメタンガスは半減期は二酸化炭素より短いですが、二酸化炭素の80ー100倍もの地球温暖化効果があります。アーリントンの埋め立て処理場では、このメタンガスを回収して天然ガスとしてそのまま使ったり、天然ガスを利用して発電し、シアトルに電力を供給しています(回収されたメタンガスをRenewable Energyと言っているけれども、それはどうかと思う。。。太陽力発電や風力発電のようなクリーンエネルギーではないよね。。。)。図によると、この埋立地は将来的には公園になるかも?
One of the problems with landfill waste is the generation of methane gas. Methane gas is generated when organic matter (plants, food, paper) contained in landfill waste decomposes. Although methane gas has a shorter half-life than carbon dioxide, it is 80 to 100 times more potent at warming the planet than carbon dioxide. At Arlington landfill, the methane gas is recovered and used as natural gas on-site, and also this natural gas is used to generate electricity and the electricity is supplied to Seattle (They call the recovered methane gas, Renewable Energy, but I am not sure about this. . . It’s not clean energy like solar or wind power for sure. . . ). Could this landfill become a park in the future according to the picture above?
Well, America’s garbage problem isn’t going away any time soon. The company’s stock price has increased since the following article was published last month.
“Why Investors Are Loving Garbage
WM, North America’s largest landfill operator, plans to invest over $2 billion in new tech, from waste-to-energy plants to recycling plants equipped with AI-powered optical sorters. WSJ explains how the sector has benefitted from tax credits and other incentives, and an increased demand for recycled packaging materials.”
No matter how much we become a circular society, I think there will still be materials (garbage) that will not be recycled.
Master Recycler Chieko Toshihara (Class 88)
Chieko Yoshihara writes Oregon Eco Life, a Japanese/English bilingual blog about her experiences interacting with Portland's waste-reduction, recycle-oriented culture. An immigrant from Japan, she's lived in Beaverton for 22 years. She's been working to reduce her carbon footprint for 15 years, and started her blog to share that story. This post details the process that happens to food scraps after they've been collected by the green bin - which was a new service in Washington County last October.