
Construction, Remodeling and Demolition Waste

Construction, Remodeling and Demolition Waste

In the metro region, an ordinance entitled Enhanced Dry Waste Recovery Program (EDWRP) requires that dry waste from construction and demolition be processed at a dry waste recovery facility to pull out recyclables before the waste is dumped in a landfill. Portland has additional requirements. For all building projects within the city where the total job cost (including both demolition and construction phases) exceeds $50,000, the general contractor shall ensure that 75% of the solid waste produced on the job site is recycled. 

Summer Projects: Waste or Opportunity?

Summer Projects: Waste or Opportunity?

Did you know that 22 percent of Oregon’s waste is from construction and demolition? It’s one of our fastest growing waste streams. Master Recyclers can help stop this growth by integrating information about construction waste reduction into your presentations, tabling events and conversations with neighbors.

Here are some tips and resources to get you started: