Yard Debris, Metal, Glass and Food were all the subject of the tour this Spring. Master Recyclers toured four facilities on a marathon of learning about how we recovery various materials in the region. Six of them took notes and pictures and shared them for the newsletter.
Metal Recovery
Three key messages for metal recycling: 1) A clear list of accepted metals for curbside recycling exists. 2) There are some simple tricks to capture some of the smaller and flatter pieces. 3) Call Metro’s Recycle Information Center at (503)234-3000 for the local depots to recycle hard to process metal objects.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Hierarchy for Food
Tour of Arlington Landfill
"Compostable" Plastic Does it Fit in the Portland Metro Area?
New containers that look like plastics but are labeled “compostable” or “polylactic acid (PLA)” are appearing in delis, grocery stores, and fast food restaurants. As well-meaning businesses work to green their practices, many are turning to these new, usually corn-based, products.
It may initially appear that disposable containers made from corn instead of traditional natural gas or oil should have environmental benefits. When considering the use of any new “green” material, consumers must ask whether the environmental benefits are real. We must also weigh potential gains against new problems the material may cause. It is important to ask if such a switch saves or uses more natural resources and energy and whether it reduces or increases carbon emissions to curb climate change.