2008 Recycling Markets Strained

With a sluggish commodities market, materials are not moving as quickly as they were even a year ago. At that time, the value of plastic, paper, metal and cardboard was high so recyclers were creative in finding new markets for odd materials. Unfortunately,recyclers are tightening their belts just like the rest of us. The Master Recycler Plastics Roundups have been postponed and local depots are finding they need to reduce some of the materials they can accept. Curbside materials have more consistent markets and were chosen because they can weather these types of ups and downs.

Now Master Recyclers are left asking “What should I tell people?” 

Right-Size Your Containers and Frequency

Right-Size Your Containers and Frequency

Understanding container options of size and frequency can help people save money and recover the most materials possible. Master Recyclers often spend a lot of time thinking about what goes in each container. But familiarizing yourself with the range of options can also empower you to help people troubleshoot and make the most of their curbside system. 

Summer Projects: Waste or Opportunity?

Summer Projects: Waste or Opportunity?

Did you know that 22 percent of Oregon’s waste is from construction and demolition? It’s one of our fastest growing waste streams. Master Recyclers can help stop this growth by integrating information about construction waste reduction into your presentations, tabling events and conversations with neighbors.

Here are some tips and resources to get you started: