American discards more than 10 pounds of clothes each year. Charities receive so many donations that they can only keep clothes in retail outlets for about three weeks. The US exports 1,000 tons of used clothes every day. What these exports mean to receiving countries may surprise you.
Right-Size Your Containers and Frequency
Understanding container options of size and frequency can help people save money and recover the most materials possible. Master Recyclers often spend a lot of time thinking about what goes in each container. But familiarizing yourself with the range of options can also empower you to help people troubleshoot and make the most of their curbside system.
Summer Projects: Waste or Opportunity?
Did you know that 22 percent of Oregon’s waste is from construction and demolition? It’s one of our fastest growing waste streams. Master Recyclers can help stop this growth by integrating information about construction waste reduction into your presentations, tabling events and conversations with neighbors.
Here are some tips and resources to get you started: