Recycling Wins in Oregon!
Oregonians celebrate the passage of the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act.
Oregonians are celebrating the passage of the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act. The comprehensive update addresses the myriad challenges that have been eroding the effectiveness of our recycling programs. Master Recycler championship and testimony were key in its passage.
The Recycling Modernization Act is a redesign of Oregon’s system for handling discarded materials that assures everyone takes part in reducing the amount of materials thrown away, and that recycling programs are successful at creating environmental and social benefits. The new legislation creates a “shared responsibility” recycling system where producers of packaging, paper products and food serviceware will fund necessary upgrades and perform specific functions to make Oregon’s recycling programs convenient, accessible, transparent, and reliable. The bill also has several measures that will reduce the use of single-use plastics and other items.
In the new system, producers will join in a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO) that will fund improvements to the system and ensure the recyclables that are collected go to responsible end markets. A new uniform statewide collection list will allow individuals and businesses to recycle the same items across the state, at home and at work. Recycling services will be expanded under the direction of local governments, especially for rural communities and people living in apartments, with support from producer funding. The same private collection companies will continue to provide recycling services in local communities. Processing of recyclable materials will be done in facilities that meet new performance standards, including for material quality, reporting, and paying living wages to facility workers.
The legislation received strong support from local governments, the recycling industry and environmental advocacy groups throughout the 2021 legislative session. Master Recyclers were among them. After attending a special webinar in January, Master Recyclers offered feedback, wrote letters, informed neighbors, and submitted testimony.
Rep. Janeen Sollman (Class 47) with Washington Co. Staff Kym Buzdygon at the Washington County Fair
One essential player in the passage of the Modernization Act was Master Recycler and Hillsboro Representative Janeen Sollman. She tirelessly championed the bill in the legislature and delivered a rousing floor speech in which she shared why modernizing recycling is important and that she is a Master Recycler.
As a chief sponsor of the bill, Rep. Sollman said. "Without this bill, our recycling system will be under threat. If we do nothing, it is the ratepayers — you and I — who will keep paying the increasing costs, while producers that contribute more to marine debris and plastic pollution pay nothing."
Two of the Oregon DEQ staff people who were involved with leading the steering committee, crafting the legislation, and managing the process throughout the three years of formation are also friends to Master Recyclers. Thank you to Sanne Stienstra (Class 60) and David Allaway (speaker to over 15 years of Master Recycler classes) for your tireless work. Master Recyclers are excited to participate in the next steps to modernizing our recycling system.