Master Recyclers Reach New Heights!

Master Recyclers are volunteering more hours, reaching new people, and moving the conversation from managing waste to actions that make bigger environmental and social change.

A giant thank you goes out to the 1800 Master Recycler volunteers in our region who are making a difference! Through your projects in your kids’ schools, at work, with your families and your neighbors, you are building healthier more resilient communities.

Through thousands of conversations, you are spurring individual and family action to waste less food, swap, reduce, reuse, repurpose and repair -and recycle and compost right.

Because you are an incredibly diverse pool of volunteers, you are ensuring that communities of color and low-income communities have access to the resources to participate in sustainability efforts, and you are demanding that your world view and lifestyles are cooked into our region’s vision of sustainability.

You are everywhere from the Sunday coffee hour to the local city sustainability advisory committee, the farmers’ market to the retirement community green team.

The tally for half the fiscal year is completed and Master Recyclers reported a record high of 2674 hours and had 255,201 contacts in the community. The two pie charts below show that Master Recyclers reached people all over the region and focused on the actions that make the most difference. Explore the full Half Year Report 2019-2020


Thank you to all of you who volunteered this summer and fall. It is exciting to see what you will do in 2020!