Metro Wraps Up Healthy Homes Season with a Thanks

Metro Wraps Up Healthy Homes Season with a Thanks

Greener cleaners, pesticides alternatives and non-toxic body care, Metro's Healthy Homes booth is a great way for Master Recyclers talk about health and sustainability. Each year we join in on Metro's campaign and staff booths at county fairs, food harvests, homebuyers fairs and more. This year, (like many in the past) the person hired to coordinate was a Master Recycler. Nancy Nordman did an amazing job organizing, training and working alongside other Master Recyclers. Now she would like to thank those of you who joined in this year

Materials Management Legislation Sets Oregon Toward a New Vision

Imagine a day when Oregonians live well and prosperously, producing and using materials responsibly, conserving resources, and protecting the environment and climate. Imagine a day when we recognize that the earth’s resources are finite and we begin living and working within those limits, ensuring that future generations have the same opportunities as we do.