Closure of Blue Heron Papermill in Oregon City means the loss of local jobs and demonstrates the challenge of keeping recycling local. But local paper recycling continues. There are ways that we can help to keep it that way.
The annual data from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is out and things are looking good! Oregonians are recycling, composting and burning material for energy at 53.9%. We also had the lowest per capita disposal rate in the 22 years that this survey has been conducted!
The City of Portland launches a two part campaign to improve access to recycling and composting to renters. This fall Master Recyclers will help the City inform landlords of their responsibilities to provide adequate services.
Sixteen Master Recyclers toured Total Reclaim on March 29, 2013 to learn how they manage the sorting, dismantling and recycling of e-waste and Styrofoam™ in Portland.