Attention Certified Master Recyclers!
The Association of Oregon Recyclers (AOR), a nonprofit trade association that has advanced recycling and waste prevention in Oregon through its membership base since 1977, recognizes all the hard work that Master Recyclers are committed to in their communities throughout the state of Oregon.
In recognition and appreciation of your efforts, AOR is offering a one-year free full membership to Master Recyclers who have fulfilled 30 hours of volunteering and have certified on or after March 1, 2019.
This provides access to member-only pricing to all events during that entire year as an AOR member. Such events may include:
Attendance at the annual AOR Sustainable Oregon Conference
Forums and On the Road tours
Educational workshops, presentations, and lectures
Professional development and networking opportunities
Discounts on the Recycling 101 certificate
Board election voting
Participation in an AOR Committee
Other news and event email reminders will include:
Fundraiser events
Upcoming legislation
Presentations from past AOR conferences
Newsletters and blogs
Job announcements
The most up to date industry news
Please contact Amy Roth ( if you have any questions, or complete the membership form to start your free one-year AOR membership. We look forward to expanding our membership base to include the valuable knowledge and passion about all things reducing, reusing, refusing and recycling from our Master Recyclers!
Amy Roth, AOR Resource Director
Atención Expertos Certificados en Reciclaje
La Asociación de Recicladores de Oregón (AOR), una asociación comercial sin fines de lucro que ha avanzado en el reciclaje y la prevención de desechos en Oregón a través de su base de miembros desde 1977, reconoce todo el arduo trabajo al que están comprometidos los Expertos en Reciclaje en sus comunidades en todo el estado de Oregón.
En reconocimiento y aprecio a sus esfuerzos, AOR ofrece una membresía completa gratuita por un año a los Expertos en Reciclaje que hayan cumplido 30 horas de voluntariado y se hayan certificado a partir del 1 de marzo de 2019.
Esto brinda acceso a precios exclusivos para miembros para todos los eventos durante todo ese año como miembro de AOR. Dichos eventos pueden incluir:
• Asistencia a la Conferencia anual AOR Sustainable Oregon
• Foros y recorridos On the Road
• Talleres educativos, presentaciones y conferencias.
• Oportunidades de desarrollo profesional y networking.
• Descuentos en el certificado Reciclaje 101
• Votación para las elecciones de la junta directiva
• Participación en un Comité de AOR
Otros recordatorios por correo electrónico de noticias y eventos incluirán:
• Eventos de recaudación de fondos
• Próxima legislación
• Presentaciones de conferencias AOR anteriores.
• Boletines y blogs
• Anuncios de empleo
• Las noticias más actualizadas de la industria.
Comuníquese con Amy Roth ( si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Esperamos ampliar nuestra base de miembros para incluir el valioso conocimiento y la pasión sobre todo lo relacionado con la reducción, la reutilización, el rechazo y el reciclaje de nuestros Expertos en Reciclaje!
Amy Roth, directora de recursos de AOR
Great Job Opportunity!
The City of Portland is hiring TWO Recycling & Waste Reduction Outreach Coordinators! Learn more.
¡Gran Oportunidad Laboral!
¡La ciudad de Portland está contratando DOS coordinadores de divulgación sobre reciclaje y reducción de residuos! Aprenda más.
Join Waste-Free Advocates Board of Directors
Waste-Free Advocates has an opening on their volunteer board of directors for Treasurer. They would love for any interested Master Recyclers to get in touch with them!
Waste-Free Advocates is a small non-profit growing. In addition to filling the treasurer role, they may hire an accountant/bookkeeper to complete payroll for their paid Resource Manager and tax tasks along with keeping the books.
If you happen to be a treasurer who is comfortable and experienced with mid-level bookkeeping for non-profits that would be the absolute best!
The official language from the bylaws: Section 9. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall perform, or cause to be performed, the following duties: (a)
keeping of full and accurate accounts of all financial records of the corporation;
(b) deposit of all monies and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of
the corporation in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of
Directors; (c) disbursement of all funds when proper to do so; (d) making
financial reports as to the financial condition of the corporation to the Board of
Directors; (e) maintain current and accurate membership lists; and (f) any other
duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.
Questions about being on the Board:
Do I need to have experience to join a nonprofit board?
No, we are small, so this is a great opportunity to gain experience.
What does the board do?
Sets the budget and policies to ensure the organization follows its mission.
How often do you meet?
All board members: Once a month for 1-2 hours. Committee meetings: 1-2x per month for about 1 hour each.
How much time will I contribute?
Assume 2-3 hours per month for meetings, plus additional time for action items which can vary from 2-10 hours per month depending on what’s going on (such as filing taxes or optional special events like new member celebrations or board member retreat).
Why would I want to join the board?
Good leadership experience for your resume, influence and gain expertise in issues you care about, make new friends, build connections in the community, earn Master Recycling hours.
Volunteer Opportunities
or click on the opportunities below for details
These Master Recyclers are Centurions and get to wear a 100 hour centurion button next to their Master Recycler badge.
Estos maestros recicladores son centuriones y pueden usar un botón de centurión de 100 horas junto a su insignia de Experto en Recilaje.
Darrell Davis (Class 85) has become a Centurion Master Recycler with over 100 hours of volunteering! He did nearly all his hours at the Portland ReStore - Habitat for Humanity where he volunteers to recycle scrap metal coming through. He educated other volunteers on what can and cannot be recycled and how to safely recycle e-waste, improved recycling signage at the store, and even created a manual for new volunteers. Thank you, Darrell!
¡Darrell Davis (Clase 85) se ha convertido en un Centurion Experto en Reciclaje con más de 100 horas de voluntariado! Pasó casi todas sus horas en Portland ReStore - Habitat for Humanity, donde se ofrece como voluntario para reciclar chatarra que llega. Educó a otros voluntarios sobre lo que se puede y lo que no se puede reciclar y cómo reciclar los desechos electrónicos de manera segura, mejoró la señalización de reciclaje en la tienda e incluso creó un manual para nuevos voluntarios. ¡Gracias Darrell!
These Master Recyclers have reached 30 hours and are now officially certified!
¡Estos Expertos en Reciclaje han llegado a las 30 horas y ahora están oficialmente certificados!
Left to Right: Stacy Ludington (Class 61), Lisa Santy (Class 79), Max Lopez (Class 78), Shannon Jo Acker (Class 79), and Sarah Silva (Class 79). All certified Master Recyclers!
Lisa Santy (Clase 79) (segunda desde la izquierda) ha alcanzado las 30 horas y ahora es una Experta en Reciclaje certificada. Lisa tomó el curso en línea durante la pandemia de COVID, pero eso no la frenó. Asistió a la gira Poop to Power y pasó la mayor parte de sus horas como voluntaria en las ferias de reparación de Milwaukie y Lake Oswego en 2022 y 2023. Es posible que también la haya visto como voluntaria en dos eventos de reciclaje de James este año. ¡Gracias, Lisa!
Shannon Jo Acker (Clase 79) (segunda desde la derecha) ¡Felicitaciones a Shannon, que ahora está certificada con más de 30 horas! Participó en seis ferias de reparación a lo largo de 2022 y 2023 desde el condado de Clackamas hasta Hillsboro. También participó en una entrega puerta a puerta de información sobre reciclaje a apartamentos y participó en la Feria del Condado de Clackamas de 2022. ¡Shannon trajo alegría y baile a varios eventos con su boombox! ¡Gracias Shannon!
Sarah Silva (Clase 79) (primera desde la derecha) ahora es una experta certificada en reciclaje. Sara lo ha hecho todo. Ha participado en varias reuniones de Master Recycler, dos ferias de reparación, la Spring Garden Fair en 2022 y 2023, y varias reuniones del equipo ecológico para el Distrito Escolar North Clackamas. ¡Gracias por todo lo que haces, Sara!
Joseph Drushal (Clase 79) se ha certificado como Experto en Reciclaje al participar lealmente en las noches de reparación semanales de Repair PDX. Reparar, reutilizar y conseguir que los artículos usados y rotos se arreglen y se donen ha sido su misión y no podemos agradecerte lo suficiente, Joseph.
Rachel Smith (Clase 69) ¡Felicitaciones a la recién certificada Experta en Reciclaje Rachel Smith! ¡Rachel cumplió todas sus horas siendo una voluntaria leal en el popular mercado de agricultores de Forest Grove desde 2019! ¡Gracias Raquel por tu dedicación!
Alex Theodore (Clase 85) se certificó como Experto en Reciclaje con 30 horas, pero, sinceramente, ha sido un Experto honorario en Reciclaje mucho antes de tomar la clase la primavera pasada. Primero se involucró en las ferias de reparación del condado de Clackamas como voluntario como reparador, aprendió sobre la clase a través de otros voluntarios y tuvo que involucrarse. Desde entonces, ha completado la mayor parte de sus horas continuando con Ferias de Reparación en el condado de Clackamas y con Repair PDX en Portland. ¡Gracias, Alex, por aportar tus habilidades de reparación y reutilización a la comunidad!
Lisa Santy (Class 79) (second from left) has reached 30 hours and is now a certified Master Recycler! Lisa took the course online during COVID, but that didn’t slow her down. She attended the Poop to Power tour, and met most of her hours volunteering at both the Milwaukie and Lake Oswego Repair Fairs in 2022 and 2023. You may have also seen her volunteering at two James’s Recycling Events this year. Thank you, Lisa!
Shannon Jo Acker (Class 79) (second from right) Congratulations to Shannon who is now certified with over 30 hours! She participated in six repair fairs throughout 2022 and 2023 from Clackamas County to Hillsboro. She also participated in a door-to-door delivery of recycling information to apartments, and tabled at the 2022 Clackamas County Fair. Shannon brought joy and dancing to several events with her boombox! Thank you, Shannon!
Sarah Silva (Class 79) (first from right) is now a certified Master Recycler! Sarah has done it all. She’s participated in several Master Recycler gatherings, two repair fairs, the Spring Garden Fair in 2022 and 2023, and several green team meetings for North Clackamas School District. Thank you for all you do, Sarah!
Joseph Drushal (Class 79) has certified as a Master Recycler by loyally participating at Repair PDX’s weekly repair nights. Repairing, reusing, and getting gently used and broken items fixed and out to be donated has been his mission and we cannot thank you enough, Joseph!
Rachel Smith (Class 69) Congratulations to newly certified Master Recycler Rachel Smith! Rachel met all her hours by being a loyal volunteer at the popular Forest Grove Farmers Market since 2019! Thank you, Rachel, for your dedication!
Alex Theodore (Class 85)
Alex Theodore (Class 84) has certified as a Master Recycler with 30 hours, but truthfully, he’s been an honorary Master Recycler long before he took the class this last spring. He first got involved in Clackamas County Repair Fairs volunteering as a fixer, learned about the class from fellow volunteers, and had to get involved. He’s since completed most of his hours continuing with Repair Fairs in Clackamas County and with Repair PDX in Portland. Thank you, Alex, for bringing your fix-it and reuse skills to the community!