Master Recycler Newsletter -- June 2019

My Ten Actions To Match My Sustainability Values

A member of the most recent class asked me to share the top 10 actions that I take to make my actions match my values.

It had me thinking!!!

Here’s my list for this year (Can you share yours in the comments??):

  1. Rent out my extra room at an affordable rate.

  2. Work a four-day workweek.

  3. Purchase only used clothes

  4. Plan my meals for the week, shop my cabinets and fridge and then make a grocery list

  5. Declutter my dad’s home instead of buying him stuff for Christmas.

  6. Compost in my backyard (use the curbside compost for things I can put in my backyard)

  7. Make my own soft scrub, spot remover, deodorant and body lotion. Wear no makeup and dye with henna.

  8. Don’t sweat the small stuff. (Sometimes I even throw things away)

  9. Recycle only what is on the list in my curbside recycling.

  10. Prioritize justice as a filter in my actions.

Share your actions in the comments below! One of them is that you volunteer for the Master Recycler program! Thank you for helping inspire your community to take action that counts.

Master Recycler News

Congratulations Class 72

Congratulations to the Spring Clackamas County class! Wednesday May 22nd was graduation night! We in the Master Recycler community welcome you and can't wait to see what you got!!

class 72 Free Geek.jpg

Gresham Master Recycler Volunteer Appreciation Happy Hour!


Thursday, May 30, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hoppy Brewer 328 N Maine Ave. Gresham 

Meet the Master Recyclers of Gresham! Welcome new and experienced Master Recyclers to pizza.

RSVP Kristen Purdy at or (503) 618-2656


First Washington County Course ever offered in Tualatin!


Fall applications for the Washington County Course are now accepted. If you live near Tualatin, your help is especially needed. Order post cards to drop in your local gathering places or ask for social media tools to share in your online community places!

¡Bienvenidos a los voluntarios bilingües!

  • WHEN: Eight consecutive Wednesdays at 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. starting September 4 and two Saturdays September 14 and October 5 at 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.

  • WHERE: Juanita Pohl Center 8513 SW Tualatin Rd, Tualatin

  • COST: $50. partial and full scholarships available with no extra application.

Aprenda. Inspire. Logre un impacto ambiental positivo.


Volunteer opportunities

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Six volunteers completed their 30-hour commitment and became Certified Master Recyclers this month! Thank you to these individuals! You can see the ripple effect of their work in their projects.

Christa King (Class 63) works at Reach CDC which is housed at the Gray's Landing affordable housing community. Christa organized three years of Earth Day events with the residents. She also held an Eco-Party with friends and took her sister grocery shopping to show her how she makes sustainable choices.


Jamie Repasky (Class 67) is an educator with Metro and so she is already doing much in our community to inspire young folks to take sustainable actions. This Woodlawn Community mural made from reused plastic is just one example of her work integrating education and community involvement. As a Master Recycler, Jamie promoted toxics free cleaning and body care with the Metro Healthy Homes table. She also created materials to better connect teachers in schools with the Master Recycler program so that there will be more opportunities for volunteers to help in schools. She created a flyer for teachers and is testing a new Recycle or Not display that Master Recyclers can soon check out for school events.


Melanie Bennett (Class 68) (left in the picture) is on the board of the Milwaukie Farmer's Market. So naturally she joined in with the Master Recycler table there. She also organized the MFM Sustainability Sunday Fair in the fall (which she is already gearing up to do again this year). She wrapped up her 30 hours volunteering at the Milwaukie Repair Fair.


Charley Vannice (Class 68) works for Clackamas County Dumpstoppers, cleaning up shooting pits, rivers and illegal dumps in the forest around Molalla, Colton and Mt Hood. So, it is already his work to care for our rivers and forests. After taking the course, he decided to share the resources about recycling and waste prevention with the staff and volunteers who help with the cleanup events. They of course welcomed the new information! Charley also staffed a recycling table at Colton School's family night and the County Fair in Canby.


Tory Wolf (Class 70) (right in the picture) was part of the Trash for Peace Master Recycler Community Designed course offered for three Home Forward communities. She has been a critical volunteer in organizing a food pantry with Urban Gleaners in Rockwood. Since the completion of the class in October, Tory contributed 78 hours to capture food that would have been wasted. Instead the food went to people in Tory's community.


Alice Rotsztain (Class 71) is greatly involved in the crafting world of Portland and decided to go deep on projects engaging the DIY community. She has been demonstrating creative reuse through projects like this "Plarn " (Plastic Yarn) Lab. She is also planning several reuse/recycling focused workshops. Alice has also done some fascinating research on the creative plastic recycling community and looking for ways to help the community move their recycled plastic art upstream.

Jobseekers Board

Some interesting opportunities listed include:

  • Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Beaverton

  • Sustainability Coordinator for the Trail Blazers

To see all listings visit the jobseekers board.