Master Recycler Newsletter -- May 2019

Master Recyclers Really Know How to Do Earth Month!


You all were everywhere! Here are a few images caught around town.


Course Offered for the First Time in Tualatin!


Fall applications for the Washington County Course are now being accepted. If you live near Tualatin, your help is especially needed. Order post cards to drop in your local gathering places or ask for social media tools to share in your online community places!

¡Bienvenidos a los voluntarios bilingües!

  • WHEN: Eight consecutive Wednesdays at 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. starting September 4 and two Saturdays September 14 and October 5 at 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.

  • WHERE: Juanita Pohl Center 8513 SW Tualatin Rd, Tualatin

  • COST: $50. partial and full scholarships available with no extra application.

Aprenda. Inspire. Logre un impacto ambiental positivo.

Gresham Master Recyclers Volunteer Appreciation Happy Hour!

Come meet the Master Recyclers of Gresham!

Gresham welcomes new and experienced Master Recyclers to join for pizza.

Hoppy Brewer, Thursday May 30th, 4-6 pm.

RSVP: Kristen Purdy at or (503) 618-2656

Volunteer opportunities

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A New Centurion


A special thank you to Cherie Kennedy (Class 68) who reported her 100th hour this month! Cherie has done amazing work with her volunteer hours. To complete her 30-hour Certification, she focused much of her outreach in her Milwaukie community, including touring recycling with her sister, distributing recycling bags in apartment buildings with Clackamas County, and joining fellow Master Recyclers at the Milwaukie Farmers' Market.

She then took it to the next level by offering a creative series of presentations in her Milwaukie church. She offered tips and resources on recycling, toxics reduction and food waste prevention with meaningful titles like "Everything touches everything," Beyond Recycling Bingo.

Cherie is now working with fellow Master Recycler Kathy Shannon to start a group of folks who meet quarterly to discuss ways to help their churches and members be more sustainable consumers. If you are interested in joining them, email at  They are aiming to have the first one on September 16th.

Thank you for all your amazing work, Cherie!! Can’t wait to hear about your next adventures.


Certified Master Recyclers

Congratulations and Thank you to the four individuals who completed their 30-hour commitment this month and became officially Certified Master Recyclers.

Philip Dekker (Class 67) was a stead-fast volunteer in Gresham this past year, helping with outreach in several multifamily communities, joining the MHCC Conservation Fair and getting tons of material recycled at the last two Earth Day collection events. Philip also gets kudos for paying-it forward to his fellow Master Recyclers. He was the one who connected us to his Parkslane Church so that Class 70 could use their awesome space for their class.

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Jennifer Nelson (Class 69) spent much of her volunteer hours establishing a clothing train for the west Hillsboro chapter of the Buy Nothing group. She recruited, organized events and (satisfyingly) is walking away, knowing that the group is now self-sustaining. Jennifer also joined fellow Westside Master Recyclers at the January PlanetCon collection and information event. She wrapped up her 30 volunteer-hour commitment volunteering at the Hillsboro Library's Makers' Faire. Jen is not done yet! She plans to launch into a new project shifting her focus on composting at the David Hill Community Garden.


First two of Class 71 to complete their hours -and they did it all together!

John Block and Katherine Suri took the Master Recycler class because they were driven to bring new sustainability practices to their green team at the Mirabella Retirement community where they live. These two have been busy tapping every resource they learned about and putting them to work. Here are just a few of their accomplishments so far:

  • Started a scholarship program for residents from money raised through a new Bottle Drop account.

  • Started a pilot using Go Box containers to replace throw-away packaging for the food delivered to 40 residents.

  • Improved recycling systems and signage and wrote articles for the residential newsletter to inspire

  • Co-organized a sustainability forum so continuing care facilities green teams in the region could compare notes

Kathy and John are the two people on the far right.

Kathy and John are the two people on the far right.

Just two months after the completion of the course each of them are about half way to Centurion status!   


Conservation News

2019 Spring Cleanup - hosted by SWNI and SW Community Recycling!

EVENT DATE:  Saturday, May 4, 2019. Customers accepted from 9am - 1pm.
Volunteer shifts will generally begin at 8:30am.  

EVENT LOCATION:  Portland Christian Center parking lot - 5700 SW Dosch Rd., Portland

Pack the bulky waste items last so you can get them out at the first station, first!

Pack your car with the line in mind.....small recycling items in the front of you car followed by electronics, styrofoam, metals.  Finally in the back of your car; items for the bulky waste!


Bottle Caps Needed for Master Recycler Project

Cam Chau (Class 66) is seeking some help. She works at THPRD Childcare center and feels the room needs an uplift. She has an art project she wants to do, but she needs "a few thousand" colorful plastic lids and metal caps and lids. If you are willing collect some and share them with her she would be appreciative! Cam Chau 503-453-9294 She promises to share pictures after!

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A Fundraiser for Trash for Peace!
