Do you know what is in your lotion??
Knowing your products and simplifying ingredients can go a long way in true body care.
Welcome to Fifty New Master Recyclers!
January and February were busy months! Twenty-seven people from St Johns to Gresham attended the Multnomah County class. Meanwhile a partnership with North by Northeast Community Health Center and Metro made it possible to offer a class designed for and by the NxNE community. Twenty-three individuals participated and are now ready to get out and be Environmental Promoters.
Welcome to both Class 75 and Class 76. We are excited to have you join us in inspiring action in the community!
Class 75
Class 76
A very special thank you to Roberta Sommer who has now reported 659 hours. There are only 12 Master Recycler Quincenturions. You will recognize them when you see the green 500 bottle cap pins.
Roberta Sommer (Class 49) has now reported 659 hours, shooting her well past the Quincenturion status!! Many years ago, Roberta started volunteering at an event in St. Johns called Trash to Treasure. She checked out materials to offer an information table at an annual event that became a massive swap meet in Portland. With more than a thousand participants in the last event, Trash to Treasure decided it was too big to be sustainable. So, they shared their model of how to organize the event and then disbanded. Roberta took this experience home with her to the Westside of Washington County. Not much time passed before she and fellow Westside Master Recyclers started an event of their own. PlanetCon this winter has about 800 participants and offered a Repair Fair, Swap, information hall, sustainability presentations and plastics recycling. Roberta has also offered many other educational opportunities on the 3 R's throughout the years. Roberta your thoughtful, methodic and detailed approach is making real community change.
Caroline Koudelka (Class 54) reported 245 Master Recycler hours! This puts her well past the Centurion status. Caroline has been an active Master Recycler in Tualatin since her class in 2012. She promoted recycling and reuse at the Juanita Pohl center plant sale and Tualatin Health Fair. She also worked on a bleach reduction project and Earth Day events at Tualatin Valley Preschool. She has spent her last 100 plus hours on a Parents/Students green team with the Bryom Elementary School. She worked on educational projects such as a video where kids share the Shake n Fold technique to reduce paper consumption. The video is too big to upload, so I am just sharing a few screen shots, but trust me, it is really adorable and informative.
Certified Master Recyclers
We are celebrating the completion of 30 hours for two Master Recyclers this month.
Mayra Hernández (Class 73) attended the Centro Cultural/Washington County class last spring. Since that time, she has been engaging the community on how we love and respect the earth, encouraging folks to take the Eat Smart, Waste Less challenge and, of course, talking about recycling. She is pictured offering a presentation at a retreat with her Co-workers at Adelante Mujeres and also tabling at an event.
Julia Pommert (Class 74) caught the PlanetCon bug early when hearing about all the plastic recycling possibilities there. So, she spent much of her volunteer hours getting out the word about the Winter event. She also offered recycling education at her HOA meeting and even went door-to-door in her community. She completed her Certification at the Beaverton Repair Fair.
Conservation News
Registration is OPEN!
Join us June 10-12th at the Salishan Spa and Resort for Sustainable Oregon 2020! We have 3 amazing pre-conference workshops planned, 2 keynote plenaries, and a plethora of concurrent sessions covering the latest happenings in the materials management industry. With our exciting exhibit hall and numerous networking opportunities (including speed networking!) this is one event you don't want to miss!
Job Opportunities
Visit the Master Recycler Jobseekers Board for details on these and other opportunities.
City of Beaverton Sustainability Analyst
City of Portland Equity Manager
City of Portland Energy Score Program Aide
Hagg Lake Runs Event Recovery Consultation