Your Master Recycler Program is about to get even better!
This spring the Master Recycler Program is doubling staff time!
Master Recycler Spring Open House
Tuesday, May 22 5:30-8:30 pm Location to be announced
Want more practice? Looking for updates? Ready to explore new topics?
Master Recyclers are invited to an open house where program parnters will set up more than 20 tables for you to ‘shop’ around and explore. The lastest kits will be out for you to check out. Staff will be there to answer your questions and let you practice. Volunteer opportunities from all over the region will be listed.
This will also be a fun event with opportunity to mill and visit with fellow Master Recyclers. More details coming soon!
Class 67 graduates!
There is a whole new batch of volunteers to welcome to the team! The Multnomah County winter course completed on February 28th. The crew is already diving into some exciting projects and joined fellow graduates in events in the community. Thank you to this amazing group for joining in!
Class 67 at SE Portland ReStore
Bonita Davis Reports 1000 Hours!!! She is only the third person in the history of the MR program to report over 1000 volunteer hours!
Read more....
Certified Master Recyclers
Thank you to the many Master Recyclers who completed your commitment of 30 volunteer hours.
FuR Gebhardt (Class 54) and classmate, Carey Booth, became a dynamic duo who staffed over 8 information tables together mostly at the Fix-It Fair where they talked about recycling, fixing, sharing, reuse and repair.
Sarah Heidler (Class 61) worked to set up and improve recycilng at her workplace at Hawthorne Auto Care. She also promoted recycling, food waste prevention and resourceful living at community events all around town.
Denise Greenspan (Class 63) did a delightful project where she created an interactive presentation series that applied Master Recycler concepts of food waste prevention, sustainable consumption, recycling and toxics reduction to learning badges recycling toxics reduction to learning badges for Kindergarten-3rd grade Girl Scouts in spring 2017. They liked it so much she will be offering another series this spring and fall!
Julie Granger (Class 64) for completing your 30-hour commitment and becoming an officially Certified Master Recycler! Julie kicked her hours off at the Cully and Roseway neighborhood cleanups encouraging neighbors to consider reuse and recycling at the event (left in the picture). She also staffed the Bring Your Own Cup for Recycling Advocates at the Fix-it Fair and topped it all off with a presentation on recycling at PCC Cascade.
Holly Meyer (MR Class 66) is the first of her class to become Certified Master Recycler! Holly did some creative projects with her volunteer hours. She provided a series of fun creative reuse activities for the children in her apartment community while she provided the parents with recycling information. She also joined classmate Liza Beer to set up a table at the Zoo Lights. They demonstrated Furoshiki wrapping as a way of making gifts special and not use one time wrapping paper. They even handed out sheets with diagrams for people to try at home.
Eva Carlson (Class 66) shared tips to prevent food waste at fairs like the Project Homeless Connect Fair, The Muslim Educational Trust Fair. She also helped businesses like The Partner's Group and Pacific University improve sustainability plans by auditing their waste. As you can see in the picture at the Pacific U waste audit, she even had fun doing it!
Volunteer Opportunities
Join in, have fun, make a difference
Job Seekers Board
- Washington County Solid Waste and Recycling Outreach Coordinator
- Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Sustainable Engagement Team Senior Admin specialist
- Several Zoo education positions
- DEQ Grants and Hazardous Waste Analyst
Conservation News
AOR's 2018 Spring Forum
Reuse Systems and Organizations in Action
Wednesday, March 21st, 2018
10:30am - 4:00pm - Lunch & Presentations
4:00pm - 6:00pm - Networking
McMenamins Kennedy School Gymnasium Portland, OR
'A Plastic Ocean' Movie Screening at Reed College
Thursday, March 8 at 7:00pm to 11:00pm
Psychology, Psy auditorium (Psy 105)
Come munch on some snacks during the showing and feel free to stay after the movie for discussions and/or demos for how to pursue a zero-waste lifestyle.
“If it was happening in one gyre, they suspected it was happening in all of them. But the filmmakers needed experts to prove it.
Scientists were brought in at each stage to analyze the findings from one part of the story to add their data to the overall report on the five gyres.
In the center of the Pacific Ocean gyre our researchers found more plastic than plankton. A Plastic Ocean documents the newest science, proving how plastics, once they enter the oceans, break up into small particulates that enter the food chain where they attract toxins like a magnet. These toxins are stored in seafood’s fatty tissues, and eventually consumed by us.”