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Clackamas County Climate Action Plan (ongoing/flexible opportunities)

Clackamas County Master Recyclers-

Whether you share the resources below, or go so far as to apply to join the community advisory task force, it will all count as Master Recycler hours to help in this effort.

Join in the Clackamas County to become carbon neutral by 2050. The Climate Action Plan (CAP) will be created by combining technical knowledge with context knowledge provided by local residents, community organizations, businesses, industry representatives, and more. It will be the blueprint to support a vibrant economy, improved health, protected lands, and a safe and thriving community for generations to come.
The success of the CAP hinges on the diversity of voices engaged in creating it. Over the next several months, they will be engaging and incorporating these diverse voices into the development of the CAP, but they need your help and are hoping you can help spread the word to your networks in a few critical ways:

  • Community Advisory Task Force (CATF). Apply to represent your community on the CATF! This cross-sector group will closely collaborate, sharing content and context expertise, to recommend highest impact actions and implementation strategies to the Board of County Commissioners. They are looking for great collaborators in sectors and industries that intersect with climate action planning - like transportation, agriculture, forestry, building - alongside key content and context experts in equity, just transitions, and youth leadership. If you aren’t the right fit for the CATF, consider who else might be, and please share the opportunity. Applications will be open until January 11. Read more about the opportunity here.

  • Climate Action Plan e-Newsletter. Sign up to receive our monthly e-news. The e-news features topics related to climate action, updates on the CAP process, and announces opportunities to be involved. Forward our newsletter to anyone you think should be part of the conversation - youth, neighbors, colleagues, supervisors, electeds - and encourage them to sign up to receive our monthly e-news and stay in the climate action plan loop.

  • Let us Come to You. They would welcome the opportunity to share their work at an upcoming meeting with a group you lead or convene and/or are a part of. Along those lines, they would love to share announcements, engagement and learning opportunities through your social media channels, an upcoming newsletter or announcement you moderate, compile, distribute or are a part of. They will provide you with text that meets your needs and matches your audience. Simply reply to this email to let me know that you’re interested and willing and they will follow up.

What sounds good to you? Where can you collaborate? What questions do you have? We are all ears.

Just need more information? We're happy to help and/or visit the Clackamas County Climate Action website.