Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling is planning a virtual Holiday Recycling Fair.
Master Recyclers are invited to participate in a break out room and lead or co-lead any recycling/waste reduction topic centered around the holidays.
The County will do a 10 min How to Recycle properly intro, then move into break out rooms. Each break out room will have a topic of the lead/co-lead’s choosing and the audience can choose which topic/room they can join. Each session will be filled with an intro/background of the topic and will have a lot of interaction/discussion with the community members who choose to participate in the room. However long the intro/background and discussion is up to the lead/co-leads.
the topics are up to you/us. I might do “DIY gift wrap/containers” or something. I might have a colleague doing “DIY bath/body care”. If you have any ideas on topics but don’t want to lead/co-lead, you can reply back with ideas. If you would like to lead/co-lead a breakout room, hit me back up!
Contact: Kym Buzdygon, Kimberly_Buzdygon@co.washington.or.us