Join the Cully Cleanup! We pride ourselves on being major recyclers. At the Clean Up we have many folks who are throwing all kinds of things in the dumpster, some can be and can’t go in the dumpster and some that can and cannot go to recycled areas. We need someone who has studied the Do take and Do not take list for the dumpsters and feels comfortable telling folks, who are pulling things out of trucks and cars, what they can and cannot put in the dumpsters and what can go into the yard sale or into yard debris or other recyling areas like metal and electronics. This is an important job and I believe your training will not only help your neighbors and friends, but also the Cully Niefghborhood, the most diverse neighborhood in Oregon. Thank you for considering helping us recycle.
Contact Marilee Dea 503 490 8248.
Shifts: 9 to 12 and 11:30 to 2:30.