Metro Regional Government Kits


COVID Information: Kits at Metro are currently not available as most staff are working remotely. However, Metro has created this Distance Learning page for teachers and families. Master Recyclers can use these tools for Master Recycler hours at home.

Requests for Metro kits should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. If you would like to view the kits beforehand, please contact the point-person below to schedule a time for viewing.

Location: Metro Regional Center, 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland


Healthy Homes Display


Key Messages: Many conventional chemical products used in the home can be harmful to our health and toxic to our waste stream. This kit highlights simple and effective tools to help reduce the number of harsh chemicals used in the home. Activities emphasize three main strategies for toxics reduction: 1) making your own cleaners, 2) DIY personal care recipes, 3) and non-toxic ways to deal with pest infestations.

Includes: A Metro Table Cloth. A game wheel with questions provides a fun way to engage both children and adults. Metro-branded prizes such as magnets, buttons and bandanas may be included in the kit, depending on supply availability.

Option: Make-your-own cleaner or personal care product supplies for a hands-on demonstration.

Literature: Choose from the publications listed under the “toxics” heading of Metro Publications form online or ask the Metro contact below what materials they recommend. Additional literature and interactive materials to support this kit are forthcoming.

Contact: Farrah Fatemi, 503-517-6889


Recycle or Not(English) - Reciclar o no(Spanish)


Key Messages: Some items are creating confusion for recyclers in the greater Portland, Oregon, area. Check the list in Recycle or Not to make sure you're recycling right. It won’t take long, but it will make a difference for the environment. Check the list at

 or Recyclers can also find out if an item is recyclable at home by submitting a photo to @recycleornot or @reciclarono on Instagram. There will also be a rotating feature item with messages about it. Right now, it is plastic bags and wrap.

Included: Recycle or Not game with board, dice, and prizes. Sign board in English and Spanish. Mascot racoon.

Literature: Recycle or Not and Reciclar o no Brochures. Metro magnets.


Recycle or Not is available for you to check out at your local jurisdiction:

City of Beaverton
Location: Beaverton City Hall, 12725 SW Millikan Way
Contact: Elizabeth Cole, 503-526-2460,

Clackamas County
Location: 150 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City
Contact: Colleen Johnston, 503-742-4463,

City of Gresham
Location: Gresham City Hall 1333 NW Eastman Parkway
Contact: Meghan Borato, 503-618-2134,

City of Portland
Location: 1810 SW 5th Ave. Suite 710, Portland.
Contact: Genevieve Joplin, 503-568-2803,

Washington County
Location: 155 N First Ave. Hillsboro
Contact: Ricardo Palazuelos, 503-846-8185,

Metro Regional Government
Location: 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland
Contact: Jamie Repasky, 503-797-1827,


Youth education

Metro offers free loanable kits that include lesson plans and materials to teach youth more about resource conservation, compost, wormbins, and recycling. These are designed to be used by classrooms, after-school groups or summer camps. To see all youth oriented materials available, visit Metro online


Metro Publications

Metro has brochures, booklets, and magnets. Topics include: non-curbside recycling, compost, toxics reduction, hazardous waste disposal and more. Download a publication or submit an order for free materials through their publication library and order form. Please allow one business day to process your order.




City of Gresham Kits


Location: Gresham City Hall 1333 NW Eastman Parkway

Contact: Paige DuBose, 971-978-9470,

The Recycling and Eat Smart Waste Less Tables are usually combined unless you specify otherwise.


Key messages and use: It is important to recycle right! Keep plastic bags out. Glass goes on the side.


Includes: Gresham table banner.

Optional: Recycle right magnet game – dry erase sign with magnetic pieces made from reused lids;

Optional: Recycle right “tornadoes” (recycle bin and garbage bin with recyclables and garbage going in).

Literature: City of Gresham Recycle Right resources: yes/no yard waste guides, Recycle Right magnets, in-out guides, unflushables guide, Garbage, Recyclables and Yard Debris posters.

Metro Publications: Green cleaners guide, hazardous waste guide, be a resource recycler coloring book, construction salvage toolkit, simple steps to a healthy lawn and garden, backyard compost guide, metro recycling hotline magnets, hazardous waste magnets, the hazardless home handbook, safe disposal of needles guide, lettuce seeds, DIY wormbin guide.


Recycle or Not / Reciclar o no


Key Messages: Some items are creating confusion for recyclers in the greater Portland area. Check the list at or to make sure you're recycling right. It won’t take long, but it will make a difference for the environment.

Recyclers can also find out if an item is recyclable at home by submitting a photo to @recycleornot or @reciclarono on Instagram, or play the game online. There will also be a rotating feature item with messages about it. From January until June, it is plastic takeout containers.

Included: Recycle or Not game with board (in English and Spanish) and dice, plus Ron, the racoon mascot.

Literature: Recycle or Not and Reciclar o no brochures, Metro magnets.

Can be paired with Gresham specific information.


Eat Smart, Waste Less


Key Messages: tips and tools to prevent food waste through meal planning, proper storage and recipes. Goal is to sign residents up for Eat Smart Waste Less “Challenge” offering prize for one winner who signs up.

Literature: ESWL Challenge sign ups, A-Z food storage tips binder, “An apple isn’t just an apple” coloring book, grocery shopping lists, eat this first stickers, “has your food expired” info, food storage magnets, food prep stickers.


Available equipment


All kits include a cart for transporting, a first aid kit, pens and a notepad for tallying conversations, and weights for keeping things from blowing away. Optional also is a

  • lightweight canopy

  • lightweight folding table

  • Recycling and Garbage “Tornados”

Washington County Kits

Washington County staff is available to meet with you for consultation on kit availability and suggested materials. Check the Master Recycler calendar for opportunities to join them at events throughout the county.

Request Resources


en español a

Location: 155 N First Ave. Hillsboro

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Standard table with wheel and literature

Standard table with wheel and literature

Key messages: What goes in recycling and garbage carts and what doesn’t; glass on the side. No plastic bags. Sign up for pick up day notifications. Take toxics and needles to their proper place. Avoid toxics by using greener cleaners.

Includes: Durable Rolling kit with supplies customizable to your audience (adults, kids, etc.)

Optional: Garbage and Recycling Day Spin wheel.


Optional: A variety of literature display stands.

Optional: Master Recycler banner.

Optional: Know Your Stuff magnetic matching game. Has a set of questions and answers for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and for ESWL.

Optional: The Story of Stuff Display. A bilingual (English/Spanish) journey through how our stuff gets made, sold and disposed of. Lightweight and easy to set up; comes in a carrying case.

Optional: Cute character props.

Literature: Waste reduction tip sheets, residential recycling brochures, RecycleWise newsletters, Metro magnets. Coloring books. Spanish and English.


Recycle or Not / Reciclar o No


Key Messages: Some items are creating confusion for recyclers in the greater Portland area. Check the list at or to make sure you're recycling right. It won’t take long, but it will make a difference for the environment.

Recyclers can also find out if an item is recyclable at home by submitting a photo to @recycleornot or @reciclarono on Instagram, or play the game online. There will also be a rotating feature item with messages about it. From January until June, it is plastic takeout containers.

Included: Recycle or Not game with board (in English and Spanish) and dice, plus Ron, the racoon mascot.

Literature: Recycle or Not and Reciclar o no brochures, Metro magnets.

Can be paired with Washington County specific information.


Eat Smart, Waste Less

Key message: The average family wastes 20 percent of what they buy. We all have good intentions but we all waste some food. By making small shifts in how we shop, prepare and store food, we save more of our food, money and resources from going to waste. 

Call to action: Try one or more of the following suggested strategies to enjoy more of your food: 

1.     Shop
2.    Prep
3.    Keep
4.    Eat

Visit the site (information available in English and Spanish) for reference and to learn of the latest strategies and resources.

Please contact us for suggested supporting materials.

Just Eat It movie-viewing party kits: Contact us for options to screen it.


Cup-a-day and Water Bottle Display

Key message: A one-piece container that shows the impacts of taking a travel mug instead of using a new cup for coffee every day.  Great to display in your office

Included: Waste reduction tip sheets, recycling brochures and Metro magnets.



Greener Cleaner Display

Key message: Have you heard of PFAs and other toxic ingredients of commercially-available household cleaners? There are simple and safe solutions with common household items.

Kit contains: Display with common household items used as ingredients in home-made non-toxic cleaners and characteristics that make them ideal replacements, recipe booklets, etc.


Other equipment

  • Folding canopy

  • Folding table

  • Folding chairs

  • Pull cart for transporting material

City of Beaverton Kits


Location: Beaverton City Hall, 12725 SW Millikan Way. Park in one of the 15 minutes spots on Millikan and ring the delivery bell.


All kits come with carrier, tablecloth, pens, display holders, etc. Detailed talking points and how to use the table will be discussed when the kit is reserved.




Key messages and use: What goes in the commingled cart, what doesn’t. Glass on the side. No plastic bags.


Garbage, Mixed Recycling & Glass Recycling containers labeled with decals; sample materials (commingled items, glass, recycling and garbage items).

Literature: Every Day is Recycling Day flyers


Recycle or Not Reciclar o no


Key Messages: Some items are creating confusion for recyclers in the greater Portland area. Check the list at or to make sure you're recycling right. It won’t take long, but it will make a difference for the environment.

Recyclers can also find out if an item is recyclable at home by submitting a photo to @recycleornot or @reciclarono on Instagram, or play the game online. There will also be a rotating feature item with messages about it. From January until June, it is plastic takeout containers.

Included: Recycle or Not game with board (in English and Spanish) and dice, plus Ron, the racoon mascot.

Literature: Recycle or Not and Reciclar o no brochures, Metro magnets.

Can be paired with Beaverton specific information.


Eat Smart, Waste Less


Location: Beaverton City Hall, 12725 SW Millikan Way

Key message: The average Oregonian family of four spends well over $1,600 each year on food that ends up uneaten! About one-third of the food produced in the United States is never eaten! Learn simple tips to save money and stop food waste. Help community members learn to practice SMART STORAGE (keep fruits and vegetables fresh by storing them correctly) by playing a sorting game, placing the appropriate foods in the fridge, on the counter or in a cool, dark place.

Includes: Branded table runner, produce storage sorting game, display itemss

iterature: Stickers, Love You Leftovers magnets, A-Z storage guide and more


Clackamas County Kits

Clackamas County Resources


Clackamas County offers a variety of tools and resources to help you in your outreach to residents and businesses. Topics range from recycling and garbage, preventing food waste, green cleaners and more. 

Location: 150 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City
Contact: Colleen Johnston, 


Recycling and Garbage

Recycle and Garbage Funnels.jpg

Garbage and recycling “funnels” and mini glass bin

Key messages: What goes in recycling and garbage carts. Glass on the Side. No Plastic Bags. Only four types of plastic are accepted. Think ‘size’ and ‘shape’. When in doubt throw it out. Top Five Offenders.

Includes: Garbage ‘funnel’ display. Recycling ‘funnel’ display and mini glass bin.

Optional: “Wall of Wrap” showing plastic wrap accepted for recycling at local grocery stores and depots.

Optional: Encourage people to drop a ball down the plinko board, which will land on an item. Ask people if they can put the item in the recycling.


Wall of Wrap

Optional: Sort game. From the materials on the table have people sort them into garbage or recycling.

Recycle Plinko.jpg

Recycle Right Pinko

Optional: Four brightly colored View-Masters with slides about Waste Prevention, Food Waste Prevention, Toxics, and Backyard Composting. (See picture in Master Recycler section below)

Optional: Small table top wheel with recycling categories (see picture in Eat Smart, Waste Less below)

Literature: Residential Recycle guides; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle guide; Recycling Depot Lists; Master Recycler post cards; Kid’s recycle coloring booklets; Prizes – temporary tattoos, window clings, and magnets.


Recycle or Not / Reciclar o no


Key Messages: Some items are creating confusion for recyclers in the greater Portland area. Check the list at or to make sure you're recycling right. It won’t take long, but it will make a difference for the environment.

Recyclers can also find out if an item is recyclable at home by submitting a photo to @recycleornot or @reciclarono on Instagram, or play the game online. There will also be a rotating feature item with messages about it. From January until June, it is plastic takeout containers.

Included: Recycle or Not game with board (in English and Spanish) and dice, plus Ron, the racoon mascot.

Literature: Recycle or Not and Reciclar o no brochures, Metro magnets.

Can be paired with Clackamas specific information.

Food Storage_Preventing Wasted Food.JPG

Reduce Food Waste

Key messages: Eat Smart, Waste Less (ESWL). Take the Challenge. Shop with meals in mind. Prep now and eat later. Store food properly. Eat what you buy. Track your food waste.

Includes: Produce bag prizes for ESWL challengers. ESWL wheel with food related questions, prizes for kids, and basket of fruits and veggies.

Literature: Fridge Storage flyer; Fruit & Vegetable Storage half sheet; Food Preservation flyers and cards; ESWL pledge forms; shopping pads; smart storage magnets; and more.

Optional: Eat Smart, Waste Less Plinko. People can drop the ball to determine which action area they will focus in the challenge.

ESWL Plinko.jpg

Plinko - available for Eat Smart, Waste Less OR Recycling

Small wheel - available for Eat Smart, Waste Less OR Recycling


Green Cleaner

Key Messages: It is safer and easier to make your own cleaners, learn how to read labels, what to do with toxic waste. Also understanding signal words like Danger and Warning. Pro’s and Con’s of Dr Bronner’s vs Murphy’s Oil.

Soft Scrub Green Cleaners.JPG

Make Your Own Soft Scrub Kit

Includes: Materials to make one of three greener cleaners: Soft Scrub, Ant Bait or All Purpose Cleaner. Also includes a Safety Data Sheet Binder for all products on display.

All Purpose Green Cleaners.JPG

Make Your Own All Purpose Cleaner Kit

Literature: Green Cleaner Recipe booklets; Household Hazardous Collection Events flyers; Metro coupons for disposal of toxics; and Metro magnets.



Sew a Button/Repair


Key message: By learning how to properly care for and repair the material items in our lives, we can help reduce the environmental impact of the products we buy, save money, and find joy in fixing things.

Includes: Sew Easy banner. Button Bookmarks: Teach people how to sew a button by making a button bookmark which they take home.


Literature: Every Thread Counts information on purchasing durable and repairing textiles. Craft ideas for buttons. List of upcoming Repair Fairs.


Head in the Hole Board

Note: this display is heavy and requires two people to lift.  


Write here...

City of Portland Kits


Location: 1810 SW 5th Ave. 710, Portland. Kits are staged in Volunteer/Will Call room.


Be Cart Smart: Each Cart Plays a Part


Key messages: Curbside collection service in Portland includes weekly recycling, weekly compost (yard waste and food scraps), and every-other-week garbage. Include the food: collect all food, including meat, bones, dairy and grains, in your kitchen collection container and empty it frequently into the green bin. Keep glass on the side.


Materials included: Be Cart Smart floor banner; food scrap kitchen container; tablecloth; clicker.

Literature: Curbside collection guide (in 11 languages); multifamily guide; reusable bag window clings; Oregon E-Cycles card; Metro magnets; Recycle or Not materials.


Optional: Be Cart Smart Game: Whiteboard with images of containers; magnetic game piece to sort into four containers; metal easel.

Contact: Genevieve Joplin, 503-568-2803,


Recycle or Not / Reciclar o No


Key Messages: Some items are creating confusion for recyclers in the greater Portland area. Check the list at or to make sure you're recycling right. It won’t take long, but it will make a difference for the environment.

Recyclers can also find out if an item is recyclable at home by submitting a photo to @recycleornot or @reciclarono on Instagram, or play the game online.

Materials include: Recycle or Not game with board (in English and Spanish) and dice, plus Ron, the racoon mascot.

Literature: Recycle or Not and Reciclar o no brochures, Metro magnets.

Optional: Can be paired with Be Cart Smart and Portland specific information.

Contact: Genevieve Joplin, 503-568-2803,


Resourceful PDX 


Key messages: Ideas for making simple changes in everyday choices. Save More, Live More. Share tips and resources so people can 1) Buy smart, 2) Reuse, 3) Borrow & Share and 4) Fix & Maintain. These actions can help save money, support the community, conserve natural resources, and leave people with more time to enjoy with friends and family. Life transitions like moving and a growing family, are good times to seek alternatives for reducing waste.


Materials included: Be Resourceful floor banner; interactive map display with a focus on four categories to show where people can go for resources, plus color coded pieces and dry erase pens; clicker; pens.

Resourceful LIVING KIT

Literature: Resourceful PDX card; Resourceful PDX map; reusable bag window clings, Metro magnets.

Optional: Resourceful Living game. Each of the objects in this game has one match that is related to the four categories. They might be related because one is better than the other. They might be related because one is a tool that can be used so that you can Buy Smart, Reuse, Share or Repair the other item. If you don’t live in Portland, you can still check the kit out without the literature which is focused on Portland resources.

Contact: Genevieve Joplin, 503-568-2803,


Food Waste Prevention

CAN Save Your Food table-seeds and game.jpeg

Key Messages: Portlanders are taking simple steps to cut down on wasted food & wasted money! Preventing food waste saves money and resources like water, land, energy, time and heart of workers who grow, transport and sell our food to us.

Note: Shift focus away from compost or “waste”; instead guide conversations upstream towards keeping food edible and saving resources.

Reducing spoilage of food already on hand is fastest path to greater action, but kit materials focus on three waste prevention strategies: 1. meal planning and shopping lists to buy only what is needed, 2. proper storage to keep food fresh and tasty, 3. and ways to make sure food at home is eaten before spoiling.  

Materials include: Kitchen food storage game (game board and magnetic game pieces with hints/tips on the back; kit includes an informative guide to food storage for tabling Master Recyclers to refer to).

CAN Save Your Food table-materials.jpeg

Literature: Eat Smart Waste Less Challenge pledge sheets; food storage tip sheet and ethylene producing/sensitive produce cheat sheet; fridge-front crisper drawer guide; “Eat This First” stickers; sample shopping list handouts; kids activity book “An Apple Isn’t Just an Apple”.

Contact: Genevieve Joplin, 503-568-2803,

Explore this YouTube playlist of “snackable” videos where Master Recyclers share food waste tips.


Multifamily Waste Reduction

Key messages: Multifamily collection service in Portland includes garbage and recycling; no plastic bags and glass on the side. Because yard waste and food scrap service are offered at the discretion of the property manager, a visual assessment of the collection area(s) is part of any presentation to multifamily communities.

Note: Multifamily is five or more units on a tax lot. This includes apartments, condos, dorms, moorages, retirement communities, and others. 

Kit includes: “Yes/No” bag of various sample items to be sorted; bucket with literature, collection area assessment form and suggested presentation tips.

Suggested Literature: 
Property Managers: Successful Garbage and Recycling Overview; durable enclosure signs and interior posters for garbage, mixed recycling, glass, and yard waste &/or food only.
Residents: Guide to Recycling and Garbage; door hangers, Metro magnets.

Instructions: Contact the Multifamily Program to pick up the kit. If unfamiliar with multifamily materials or audit form, also set up a time for a quick check-in.

Contact: Genevieve Joplin, 503-568-2803,



Looking for a new way to spice up your table display? Lizzy Oedell (Class 53), who works at Image3D, spent some of her payback time making new ViewMasters using slides and messages from the latest class. There are four topic areas: Waste Prevention, Food Waste Prevention, Toxics, and Backyard Composting.

Contact: Genevieve Joplin, 503-568-2803,


Master Recycler Banner


  • Folding canopy

  • Folding table

  • Folding chairs

  • Table clothes

  • Brochure stands

Portland Workplace Assistance

City of Portland workplace assistance.png

Recycling at Work PowerPoint

Because the presentations are continually updated, please contact 503-823-7202,


Do-It-Yourself Waste Sort

The Waste Sort Instructions will walk you through the steps of planning and completing a waste sort. You may also find it helpful to use this average material weights by volume chart.

Contact the City to reserve the kit at least a few weeks in advance, since the kit may already be checked-out for your preferred dates. You can reserve the kit for up to a week. The kit includes everything you need to complete a sort:

  • tarps

  • bins

  • a scale

  • gloves

Location: 1810 SW 5th Ave. Suite 710, Portland
Contact: 503-823-7202,