The Waste Center (run entirely by Master Recyclers) at Farmers Market in Forest Grove is gearing up for its ninth season! We seek fun and energetic volunteers to keep this waste reduction machine running.
The Waste Center educates the public about being “THINKFUL.” Which means promoting less food waste, composting, worm bins and curbside recycling. We also teach about mindful shopping for products with with less packaging, living with less plastic and creating sustainable solutions. All this while managing the durable dinnerware program. Our washable plates, utensils and cloth napkins have reduced the number of garbage bags generated by the Farmers Marker from eight 30-gallon bags to less than one. This season will introduce washable tumblers for beverages and for the first time vendors will offer a discount to customers who BYOC.
Every Wednesday May 1st - October 30th Set up is at 3:00 p.m. Takedown is to about 8:45 p.m. Shifts are possible.
Contact Cecelia Warner at