The Grant Park Neighborhood Cleanup would like to request two Master Recyclers. The two positions we would like covered are:
1. A person to manage our Freecycle area: this involves a lot of talking to people about what is and isn't appropriate for reuse and why. Unfortunately, it also includes preventing people from leaving anything that could not go in the dumpster at the end of the event, if it is still there. (Last year people left lamp oil, liquid cleaning products and paint.
2. We want to have an information table specifically to answer questions about the latest news in recycling and disposal. Even people who don't know I'm a Master Recycler know I work at Metro and the questions I am repeatedly asked are about, or people seem to have mis-information about are:
- plastics (what is and isn't recyclable and why)
- construction debris (what is excluded and why)
- hazardous waster (what is and isn't and how it should be handled)
Contact: Katherine Davenport,