- Have you done one or more multifamily presentations with in the last two years?
- Do you enjoy the challenge of presenting to diverse audiences?
- Did the experience spark any ideas or possibilities for how we could offer services in a more consistent, comprehensive and universal approach?
If “Yes”, please consider responding to this opportunity:
The City of Portland Multifamily Recycling program is looking for experienced Master Recyclers to re-visit how we assist multifamily properties. This project is a collaboration with BPS staff, program staff at Community Environmental Services (CES) and the Master Recycling program. The intention is to
- review current program outreach
- create a universal site evaluation tool
- create a simple power-point recycling refresher and
- standardize two presentations for targeted audiences
These resources will be available for any staff or volunteer working with multifamily audiences.
This project will involve 2-3 meetings, each an hour or so, over a period of 2-3 months; together with some ‘home-work’ in-between. All of the time spent on this project will count as Master Recycler hours.
Contact: Kyenne Williams, Kyenne.Williams@portlandoregon.gov, 503-823-5054