Flexible date in May 10-11 am
Create your own interactive presentation for this preschool class room or use one of the two kits described below.
Contact to volunteer: Courtnee Kelly (503) 803-1664 maple.growingseeds@gmail.com
Metro preschool kit options:
Papermaking kits.
They have already been reserved the week of May 9th. However, but if you set a date in another week it might be available. There are 2 kits and the loan period is 2 weeks. Each kit brings about 12 screens, a blender, sponges, and instructions. Those expecting a large group of students can reserve both kits.
Resource Connections kit.
Because it was designed for educators working with grades 1-3, some modifications would likely have to be made by preschool educators. The kit contains a lesson plan and materials to do the following:
- Review where our waste goes and what happens to it at the landfill
- Review the 3 “R”s and generate various examples for each “R”
- Discuss natural resources, with examples of products that come from them
- Play memory card game (match product with natural resource it came from)
- Identify ways to use less natural resources by practicing the 3 “R”s
You can pick them up at 600 NE Grand Avenue at any time during hours (8 am - 5 pm Monday-Friday).
Contact for kit: Darwin Eustaquio darwin.eustaquio@oregonmetro.gov 503-797-1522